Employment & Training
Looking for work? Need some training? Don’t know where to start? NETP can help!
Nuu-chah-nulth Employment and Training Program (NETP) can help you get the confidence and skills you need to find and keep the job you want. We have offices at Gold River, Tofino, Ucluelet, and Port Alberni.
NETP provides employment related services and programs to all First Nations peoples living in the geographic service area covering the Vancouver Island West Coast from Ditidaht First Nation in the South, First Nation communities inland East to Port Alberni, to Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/Che:k:tles7et’h’ First Nation in the North. NETP also provides minimum levels of services for Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program (ISET) to all Indigenous peoples living within the geographic region and funds training interventions to First Nations people as a priority with a focus on unemployed or under-employed persons wanting to get ahead in their job or career.
Get Ready to Work
The focus of NETP is to assist First Nations in gaining transferrable skills that support their employment path and long-term career. Our focus will be on providing a comprehensive suite of wrap-around support to First Nation clients.
Our Case Managers can provide the following assistance to reach your goals:
Explore career options and the job market
Build your resume and cover letter
Learn job search and interview strategies
Enhance your life skills (e.g. confidence, communication, problem solving)
Enhance your practical skills (e.g. reading and writing, numeracy, computer skills)
Overcome barriers to your employment (e.g. get a driver’s license, your Grade 12, work gear, work clothing, daycare etc.)
Get Training
NETP offers a variety workshops based on specific industry and community demands. All of workshops will include a variety of helpful topics including, communications, resume writing, and industry recognized training and certifications to suit the theme of the workshop. Be sure to check our Facebook Page regularly to get the latest training news!
Also, speak to your case manager to access short term certificate training and/or purchase the required materials or supplies to obtain or retain employment.
Trades Training
NETP can provide resources and assistance to attain Trades Certification with a recognized training program and in accordance with the provincial Skilled Trades BC (https://www.skilledtradesbc.ca/) guidelines with exception to high in-demand jobs. Funding may be provided to support the cost of tuition, living expenses, required textbook and supplies, tutoring and other school related expenses. Set up an appointment today to speak to your case manager.
Get Access to Special Employment Projects
Once a year, NETP accepts proposals for projects up to $20,000.00 that develop/enhance the skills and employability of First Nations peoples living within the Nuu-chah-nulth Regions. If you are a First Nations Band & Government, not-for-profit organization, agencies, or business that are seeking to hire First Nations employees or up-skill existing First Nations employees then contact our Special Projects Coordinator.
Summer Youth Employment
Once a year NETP accepts proposals for projects up to $7500.00 for organizations hiring First Nations High School, University or College Students and providing them the opportunity to develop and enhance their workplace skills and work ethics. If you are a First Nations Band & Government, not-for-profit organization, agency, or business that are seeking to hire First Nations employees then contact our Special Projects Coordinator.
The Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council (NTC) is committed to helping Nuu-chah-nulth members achieve their training and employment goals.
Whether you are a member who is starting to look at career options or you have been out of the labour force for a period of time and are thinking about a new start, we are here to help you along your journey to success!
Contact Us
4090 8th Avenue
Port Alberni, BC
V9Y 4S4
Tel: (250) 723-1331
Fax: (250) 723-1336
Stay on top of local job postings and the latest NETP news and training on our Facebook.