Social Development Services
5001 Mission Road
Port Alberni, BC
P: (250) 724-5757
F: (778) 421-8806
The Social Development Program includes various areas such as:
- Social Assistance
- Family Violence Prevention Program (FVPP)
- Assisted Living
- Pre-Employment Supports (PES)
- Income Assistance First Nations Youth Employment Strategy (IAFNYES)
Social Development’s Pre-Employment Supports project provides case management and client supports the 11 PES Nations:
- Ahousaht
- Ditidaht
- Ehattesaht
- Hesquiaht
- Hupacasath
- Kyuquot/Checklesaht
- Mowachaht/Muchalaht
- Nuchatlaht
- Tla-o-qui-aht
- Tseshaht
- Ucluelet
Services for participating First Nation governments:
- Funding for Nations to provide family violence prevention activities
- Funding for Nations to provide services for low-income families
- Training for First Nations on administering Income Assistance
Pre-Employment Supports
The Pre-Employment Supports (PES) is part of the Income Assistance program within the Social Development Department. The overall goal of the PES Program is to provide pre-employment training and supports to help reduce dependency on social programs. PES is intended to assist employable Income Assistance (IA) clients to move along a continuum towards employment and training.
PES began in 2014 as Enhanced Service Delivery (ESD), which ended in March 2017. From September 2017 onward, the Social Development Program has worked closely with Nuu-chahnulth Employment and Training Program (NETP) to offer ESD supports under the new Pre-Employment Supports (PES) Program.
The PES Program includes 11 Nuu-chah-nulth Nations, PES services are available to IA clients; employable and on-reserve between ages 19-64, as well as Persons with Disabilities (PWD) and Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers (PPMB) ages 18-64.
Participants have one-on-one support with a case manager, and are invited to join our workshops centered on life skills, essential skills, adult basic education, and cultural teachings. Case Managers may also help to connect participants with PES support for childcare, transportation, and other pre-employment needs.
For more information, please contact:
Jessica Burns
Administrative Assistant
P: (778) 421-8705
PES Coordinator
April Lucas
Southern Region Case Manager
C: (250) 720-1132
Barbara Wilson
Northern Region Case Manager
P: (778) 283-2012 ext, 111
C: (250) 720-1362
Ann Kim
Central Region Case Manager
P: (250) 266-0275